week 3 discussion

Have you ever wondered how an educator can support the children’s diverse needs in their learning environment? Differentiation is likely one of the evidence-based strategies they use in the classroom. Simply put, differentiation is modifying your instruction to...

Integrated 3 day Lesson Plan

STEM units provide students with an opportunity to problem-solve and connect to real-world scenarios. This type of instruction and learning generates ingenuity, builds persistence, and encourages teamwork and experimentation. When developing a STEM unit, early...

Quita Technology and Social Change

 analyze  the impact of technology on social change. Describe the pros and cons  as to how technology has affected social interaction, social networks,  the workplace, and social change. Make sure to address these topics on  the individual,...

Learning Experience Plan Template

Create Learning Experience Plan using underwater habitats and exotic sea creatures. You need to complete three learning experience templates, one for each learning experience, that deal with that topic.IMG_0962.jpegIMG_0960.jpegIMG_0961.jpeg


Focusing on the disparity (claims/evidence) between genders with open ended thoughts of economic differences. Addressing facts on discrimination with employment and pay differences. How has welfare helped or hurt society as a whole. Quantitative research open ended...