NR 447 Week 8 DiscussionClosing the Loop Recent
Closing the Loop
Complete the Week 8 AACN Essentials Self-Assessment located in Doc Sharing.
Compare your scores from Week 2 to Week 8.
Describe how far have you come and how much further do you wish to go in improving your competencies during the next two years of practice.
Next, review the Course Outcomes as listed in the Syllabus. Select one of the course outcomes and share with your classmates how you feel you have achieved the outcome and how you will utilize the essentials and course outcomes in your practice setting.
Assignment Submissions:
University Policy: All assignments are due before midnight Arizona time on the due dates indicated. Assignments posted after the indicated due dates will be subject to a deduction of 10% of the available points for each day late. No assignment can be accepted for grading after midnight on the final day of class. Technical issues are not valid excuses for late work unless the problem stems from THE UNIVERSITY servers.
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Meet my deadline
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the assignment is a “final submit.”
All assignments in this course will need to be handed in as only 1 (one) file. The system will pull the assignment last assignment posted to the drop box for grading. If you have multiple files, only the last one uploaded will be graded.
Only assignments submitted to the drop box will be graded. No grading will be provided to students who opt to email professor assignment without submitting to drop box. Please ensure you have allowed yourself enough time prior to the midnight deadline to upload to the drop box as the time stamp from the upload is the time it was submitted.
For the PowerPoint presentations, please ensure you are using a basic background as to the size of some of the designer backgrounds which then create problems with the upload to Halo. This assignment must be turned in as a PowerPoint and processed through LopesWrite. Any other form of submission will not be graded and student will receive zero credit.
PowerPoint presentations MUST be submitted to LopesWrite. Links to presentations will not be graded as they are not able to be submitted for similarity assessments.
As a student you have the ability to review LopesWrite prior to your final submission. Please reach out to tech services if you are unsure of this process.
When the APA Checklist is required to be placed in submission per formatting guidelines of the APA Manual 7th edition, it is expected the appendix in the submission will significantly increase LopesWrite score.
Word count according to rubric is only words in the body of the submission. It does not include cover page, running head, references any required appendices.
All references in course are required to have a date and be within the past 5 years unless it is a primary sources such as the original theory written.
Grading of Assignment Submissions: At the university, Faculty is allowed a 7-day period for grading of assignments. If you have not received a grade in that time, please let me know in the event there was a problem with the grade upload to Halo.