PCB 4023 Florida International University Cell Biology Lab Report
PCB 4023 Florida International University Cell Biology Lab Report
A. Course Description:This course is designed to: Provide students with a hands-on experience in a cell biology laboratory. Provide students with the experience of performing research in cell biology. Provide a forum for student scientists to experience the scientific method by putting it into practiceand discuss the results obtained as well as its implications in the field. Students will also gain experience in applying knowledge from past and present courses in thevenue of this lab.B. Prerequisites:Students taking this course MUST have completed and passed Genetics (PCB3063).C. Text resources:All lab preparatory materials will be provided electronically to students through Canvas prior to the lab.These text resources will explain conceptual background related to the exercise of the day, the questionbeing addressed, and the outline of the experiment to be performed. Students will also be directed toother external information by web links in the material for that week.D. Organization:Your responsibilities Be on time for every laboratory. All experiments require that the class starts all together as agroup. Come to class ready to work; student preparation before carrying out the experiment is required.2 As in scientific studies, this lab requires team interaction, communication and collaboration. Youare expected to engage with your peers and TA in the cell bio laboratories performed. Contribute with ideas and comments you think may be beneficial to class discussion. The success of many of these labs will depend on your maturity and willingness to be successful.Attendance policy Attendance at lab is mandatory, and because of the structure of the labs there are not make-uplabs available. Students arriving more than 10 minutes after the class started will not be allowed in the lab sincetypically, the distribution of the work, set up of the experiments and treatment of the cells willoccur within these first minutes. Students attending lab are also required to remain at laboratory for the duration of the lab period.Leaving prior to the end of the lab will earn a zero for the day’s quiz, lab report and participation. Students will not be penalized for official excused absences that include: observance of religiousholy days, a death in the immediate family, and statutory government responsibilities. If you areabsent for such reason, you must notify the instructor in writing in a timely manner (at least oneweek in advance to your lab session) and submit supporting documentation upon your return toclass (scheduling a Dr’s appointment for a time coinciding with a lab session is not an excusableabsence). If any of the important due dates or the final exam coincides with an official religiousholiday, student must notify the instructor within 2 weeks of the commencement of the first labsession at the beginning of the semester. Points allocated to participation, notebook and quiz for each lab will be deducted per classabsence (~9%). One excused absence is permitted (save it for a real emergency). Students who are absent morethan 2 times for any reason (excused or unexcused) will earn an automatic failing grade for thecourse.Safety Student safety in the lab is necessary for a thriving in a discovery environment. Students arerequired to follow safety procedures standard for the lab. Careful handling of the equipment isimportant for your protection. Students are required to bring long pants, closed-toe shoes,lab coats and goggles to the cell bio lab. Cell phones and other personal items must also to be put away during lab time to prevent anypossibility of contamination with pathogens and lab reagents.Lab routine Student preparation before carrying out the experiment is essential in this laboratory. Review ofthe procedures before attending lab, and actively participating in the introductory portion of thelab section will prepare students to fully understand the premise and technique involved in eachexercise. Quizzes will be administered to students during the beginning portion of the lab courseto assess student preparedness. Recording the experience of each lab exercise is central to research. To this end, each student isasked to prepare a report for each experiment performed in the semester. Each report connectsthe student with the experience of recording the outcome from each meeting of the class: what is
the major question addressed experimentally that day and the relevant processes of reportingand interpreting the results obtained. This transition of primary information to an organized, formalwritten form is usually done using the same format through research facilities across the globe(see document with guidelines). A lab report for each lab is due at the beginning of the next labsession, with a 20% deducted per day that it is late. This report should include the answers to thequestions present at the end of each lab manual (testing and applying your understanding). This course does have a final exam. There are no makeup exams. Exam answer forms presentedto the instructor after an exam has concluded will not be accepted.E. Grading:The final grades for the class will be determined using the following scale; a grading curve will not beapplied:A 100% – 90%, B+ 89.9% – 88%, B 87.9% – 80%, C+ 79.9% – 78%, C 77.9% – 70%, D 69.9% – 60%Each part of the course assessment contributes to the final grade, in the proportions shown here:Surveys 1.5%Quizzes 35%Reports 30%Participation 8.5%Final Exam 25%Total: 100%Scores will be available for viewing by appointment with your instructor or TA.F. Students with disabilities statement:The Disability Resource Center collaborates with students, faculty, staff, and community members tocreate diverse learning environments that are usable, equitable, inclusive and sustainable. The DRCprovides FIU students with disabilities the necessary support to successfully complete their educationand participate in activities available to all students. Students that have a diagnosed disability and plan toutilize academic accommodations are asked to please contact the Center at 305-348-3532 or visit theDRC, located at the Graham Center GC 190. Students are required to contact their instructors/TAsregarding their accommodations so the proper arrangements with the DRC office can be made(preferably during the first week of lab). Official written documentation from the DRC office must beprovided to your instructor/TA.G. Conduct: Cheating is counterproductive to the big picture cell biology research in general, as it can deeplycompromise work done by many other researchers. Students submitting plagiarized work orfraudulent exams in this course will be referred to the Dean of Undergraduate Education asoutlined under “Academic Misconduct” in the Policies and Regulations section of the FIU StudentHandbook.4 Students are expected to contribute to a positive, productive, and focused environment in theclassroom by adhering to a respectful standard of conduct. Following common-sense guidelineswill maximize the overall student experience, protect student privacy, and minimize studentdistraction from the tasks at hand. Photography, video recording, and inappropriate usage of computers or mobile devices bystudents is prohibited. Disrupting class, such as by inappropriate conversation between students,argument with other students or the instructor, launching projectiles of any kind, etc, has no placein Cell Biology. The Biology department is committed to a quality classroom environment, and retains the right toconfiscate students’ devices or dismiss students from the class if necessary. If a disruptivestudent refuses to exit the class upon being asked to do so, the instructor reserves the right tocontact campus police. Some students may experience extreme stress during the course due to difficult circumstancesoutside of class. We respect the needs of students in distress, and encourage students at anytime of need to contact the supportive and knowledgeable staff at FIU Counseling andPsychological Services. They are reachable by phone at (305) 348-2277, and located atUHSC270. There are daily walk-in hours there from Monday-Friday. The Dean of Students,Cathy Akens is also standing by to help students access other resources. Students can visit heroffice in GC219, call her at (305) 348-2797, or email her at akensc@fiu.edu There is help outthere, and students do not have to go through it alone.H. Weekly schedule of activitiesOn the next page is an outline of the planned activity schedule for this semester. As some portions of thelab are undergoing revision this semester, there is a small chance that the content of this schedule willchange. If a schedule change occurs, the TAs will notify their students either during lab or by email, anda new schedule document would also be posted in Canvas for student viewing.
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